
[US] .Ashes

  Player Information

Player Profile
Name:United States Aretias..
Member of Clan:(None)
Location:United States
Player ID:218
Unique ID:STEAM_1:1:9771285
Steam IDv3:[U:1:19542571]
Steam Community:76561197979808299
Real Name:(Not Specified)
Email Address:(Not Specified)
Homepage:(Not Specified)
Last Connect:(Unknown)
Connection Time:5d 02:54:52h
Average Ping*:-
Favorite Server:*:
Favorite Map:*:
Favorite Weapon: 0 Kills
Statistics Summary
Rank:Not active Points:1,000 Activity:
Player Skill Graph
Kills:25,387 (0*)
Deaths:14,220 (0*)
Headshots:2,298 (0*)
Kills per Death:1.7853 (-*)
Kills per Minute:3.44
Hs per Kill:0.0905 (-*)
Shots per Kill:-
Accuracy:11.2% (0%*)
Team Kills:0 (0*)
Longest Kill Streak:50 Kills
Longest Death Streak:13 Deaths

  Miscellaneous Statistics

Player Trend
Player Trend Graph
Forum Signature

forum sig image

bbCode 1 (phpBB, SMF) | bbCode 2 (IPB) | Direct Image


Current rank: Major General
Major General
Kills needed: 3013 (6%)
Rank history
Recruit Private Private First Class Lance Corporal Corporal Sergeant Staff Sergeant
Gunnery Sergeant Master Sergeant First Sergeant Master Chief Sergeant Major Ensign Third Lieutenant
Second Lieutenant First Lieutenant Captain Group Captain Senior Captain Lieutenant Major Major
Group Major Lieutenant Commander Commander Group Commander Lieutenant Colonel Colonel Brigadier
Brigadier General

  Awards (hover over image to see name)

Connection Time - Supreme Supreme 357 Supreme AR2 Supreme Combine Ball Supreme Xbow Supreme Crowbar Supreme Grenade
Supreme Headshotter Supreme Lowpinger Most Kills - Supreme Award of Most Headshots Supreme Physbox Supreme Physics Supreme Pistol
Supreme RPG Supreme Shotgun Supreme Slam Supreme SMG Supreme SMG Grenade Supreme Stunstick Most Suicides - Supreme
Global Awards
No Global Awards


Rank Name Time Last Use arrow_small_down_gray.png Kills Deaths Kpd Headshots Hpk Suicides Accuracy
1 Aretias.. 1d 01:29:28h 2025-01-08 18:23:28 6,145 3,395 1.81 605 0.10 58 10.8%
2 [US] Aretias.. 2d 22:56:40h 2025-01-07 03:00:00 13,203 7,113 1.86 1,242 0.09 152 11.1%
3 Aretias 0d 04:15:29h 2024-10-12 18:32:15 1,040 687 1.51 82 0.08 19 11.9%
4 [US] Aretias 0d 22:13:15h 2024-10-12 10:51:32 4,999 3,025 1.65 369 0.07 111 11.5%

Items marked "*" above are generated from the last 28 days.
Go to: Player Rankings


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