
[US] .Ashes

  Player Session History

Date arrow_small_up_gray.png Skill Change Points Time Kills Deaths K:D HS HS:K Suicides TKs Kill Strk
2025-02-08 3,431  4,431 0d 00:58:19h 197 194 1.02 10 0.05 0 0 9
2025-02-09 830  5,261 0d 00:33:29h 80 106 0.75 3 0.04 2 0 10
2025-02-11 533  5,794 0d 00:17:53h 74 61 1.21 12 0.16 0 0 7
2025-02-12 3,911  9,705 0d 01:20:52h 383 276 1.39 32 0.08 0 0 11
2025-02-13 2,836  12,541 0d 03:26:41h 506 437 1.16 35 0.07 3 0 11
2025-02-14 18  12,559 0d 00:02:58h 10 5 2.00 1 0.10 0 0 3
2025-02-15 196  12,755 0d 00:09:59h 53 30 1.77 4 0.08 0 0 10
2025-02-16 92  12,847 0d 00:10:49h 15 18 0.83 3 0.20 0 0 4
2025-02-17 591  13,438 0d 00:20:41h 111 65 1.71 12 0.11 1 0 9
2025-02-20 -52  13,386 0d 00:48:19h 95 101 0.94 12 0.13 0 0 6
2025-02-22 271  13,657 0d 00:13:39h 42 37 1.14 7 0.17 1 0 5
2025-02-24 257  13,914 0d 00:23:37h 61 63 0.97 3 0.05 1 0 6

Items above are generated from the last 28 days.
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